The specific payload launch cost for Taymyr vehicles is expected to be under $45,000 per kg
16.06.2015Until recently, it was believed that private participation in the Russian space sector could not go anywhere beyond the manufacture of individual components.м
Russia plans to further expand its segment of the ISS
16.06.2015The space budget has been significantly reduced compared to the previous version of the program.
Proton launches were suspended after the failure during the launch of Express-AM4R satellite on May 16, 2014
11.11.2014Since early 2014, the commercial geostationary satellite market has been dominated by orders for lightweight spacecraft.
The current spacecraft variant, the Soyuz TMA-M, was commissioned in 2010
11.11.2014The upgrade effort is called to boost the functionality of the Soyuz’s equipment by ensuring command and control beyond the line of sight of the Russian ground control stations.
Angara at its lauch pad at Plesetsk Cosmodrome
21.07.2014Russia’s new Angara launch vehicle should begin flight tests this summer, with a delay of nearly one decade.
The ISS is so designed that no single partner on the program can operate it single-handedly
21.07.2014The sanctions would only stimulate Russia to develop its own hi-tech industry.
A prototype of Russia’s nuclear power propulsion system should be built by 2018
21.11.2013The project to develop a megawatt-class nuclear power propulsion system will help the Russian space industry create a new generation of powerful propulsion modules for future space exploration programs.
Russia leads the world in the number of commercial space launches
21.11.2013Russia at present possesses a necessary and sufficient variety of expendable launchers to achieve all the current space exploration goals, but the ageing technical capabilities of these vehicles necessitate the development of new-generation rockets.
The second experimental Antares launch is to take place this fall
19.06.2013Antares’ first stage comprises engines based on the 40-year-old NK-33 design developed for the Soviet lunar program.
The last checks for Angara-1.2PP first and second stages before shipping to Ples
19.06.2013Thanks to Angara’s modular design, a whole fleet of launch vehicles could be created to cover a range of payload classes from 3 tons to 25 tons
During Putin’s visit to New Delhi in December an agreement was reached on buildi
06.02.2013In 2017 an Indian rover is to be launched towards the Moon atop a Russian Soyuz-2
In 2012 Russia retained its world-leading position in the number of space launch
06.02.2013Last year was not marked by any breakthrough achievements in Russian space exploration. The country kept its world-leading position in the number of space launches. A total of 24 launches were performed: four from Plesetsk in Russia and the rest from Kazakhstan’s Baikonur. This list excludes the three launches of Russian-Ukrainian Zenit-3SL rockets from the Sea Launch international platform and the two Soyuz-2ST launches from the EASA Kourou spaceport. Russian-made launch vehicles orbited a total of 33 spacecraft last year, including nine under foreign commercial contracts.
The ExoMars rover is to be delivered to Mars by Russian Proton-M launch vehicle
09.11.2012The plans to revise the Russian space program, first announced in late 2011, have been further refined this year all because of another in a recent row of launch failures.
The new head of Roscosmos Vladimir Popovkin identified key priorities for Russia
10.07.2012Last year was exceptionally difficult for the Russian space sector.
The Sea Launch consorcium's next two Pacific launches are set for 2012
09.11.2011The Sea Launch consortium resumes commercial services


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