AESA radars growing smaller

New technology helps Russian developers make aircraft radars lighter and more reliable
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Maxim Pyadushkin
Opinion Eng, English

The Russian corporation Phazotron NIIR is known for its advanced aircraft radars. On the eve of Farnborough International 2014, chief designer Yury Guskov told Russia & CIS Observer about the new technology his company is embracing.The Russian corporation Phazotron NIIR is known for its advanced aircraft radars. On the eve of Farnborough International 2014, chief designer Yury Guskov told Russia & CIS Observer about the new technology his company is embracing.

— Phazotron NIIR has started developing aircraft radars with active electronically scanned array (AESA) based on 3D technology. What is the current status of this program?

— This work progresses successfully. We are building the first prototype. The transmitter-receiver (T/R) modules are supplied by Tomsk-based Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices, while we are responsible for the radar itself, its control and cooling systems. This year we expect to manufacture and begin testing three prototypes: checking all their systems, the scanning and beam-building functions, and the operation of all the T/R modules.

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