Ansat helicopter gets a new flight control system

This Ansat variant with a hydromechanical flight control is to be certified by t
This Ansat variant with a hydromechanical flight control is to be certified by the end of 2012
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Maxim Pyadushkin
Article, English

Although Russian helicopter manufacturers have a historically strong position on the heavy rotorcraft market, they do not leave attempts to advance with smaller models. The Russian Helicopters holding company, the umbrella organization for this country’s rotorcraft designers and manufacturers, is developing the re-engined 3,600-kg Kamov Ka-226T coaxial-rotor helicopter, and has also ventured the program to revive production of the piston-engine Mil Mil-34S.

The third product in this filed is the light Ansat helicopter developed by the holding company’s subsidiary Kazan Helicopters. Kazan is known as the production plant for Russia’s best-selling medium helicopters of the Mil Mi-8/17 family; it also takes part in the program to develop the new 15,600-kg MTOW Mi-38 transport helicopter.

At the end of April, Kazan Helicopters unveiled a new version of Ansat with a hydromechanical flight control system instead of the baseline version’s fly-by-wire controls. According to Kazan Helicopters CEO Vadim Ligay, two prototypes have already been assembled: one for the ground tests that have been on since 2011, the other for flight trials. According to the designers, traditional hydromechanical controls could simplify promotion of the helicopter to the commercial market since the basic version’s fly-by-wire system faces certification limitations.

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