Архив материалов ATO.RU: "Все материалы" за 06/2013

Авиакомпания EVA Air стала членом Star Alliance
19.06.2013Это позволит тайваньскому авиаперевозчику расширить сеть за счет рейсов партнеров по альянсу
19.06.2013Полеты в курортный город Нячанг начнутся в октябре 2013 г.
Boeing продолжает получать заказы
19.06.2013Лизинговая компания CIT Group заказывает 30 самолетов Boeing 737MAX-8, Korean Air — пять Boeing 747-8 и шесть Boeing 777-300ER, Skymark Airlines — Boeing 737MAX.
Авиакомпании AZAL открывает рейс Баку—Екатеринбург
19.06.2013Полеты на этом направлении начнутся 20 июня 2013 г.
The second experimental Antares launch is to take place this fall
19.06.2013Antares’ first stage comprises engines based on the 40-year-old NK-33 design developed for the Soviet lunar program.
The last checks for Angara-1.2PP first and second stages before shipping to Ples
19.06.2013Thanks to Angara’s modular design, a whole fleet of launch vehicles could be created to cover a range of payload classes from 3 tons to 25 tons
Fleets are growing but profits stay low
19.06.2013The 2012 performance results across the Russian air transport sector were largely defined by the state of the aircraft fleets and by the airlines’ financial situation. It transpires that, despite the carriers’ active efforts to acquire new equipment, their operating margins remain low.
Be-200ES version can drop up to 12 cubic meter of water
19.06.2013The Russian Defense Ministry is renovating its amphibian aircraft fleet as part of the ongoing massive re-armament effort.
The Russian Air Force has ordered 39 Il-76MD-90A transport aircraft
19.06.2013Russia’s modernized Ilyushin Il-76MD-90A military heavy-lift transport aircraft, also known as the Il-476, completed the first phase of its assessment flight trials in May 2013.
Russia’s growing military expenses are a boon for the local aircraft manufacture
19.06.2013Russia’s growing military expenses are a boon for the local aircraft manufacturers but questions remain
Transas says its new civilian UAS will have an endurance of at least 24 hours
19.06.2013Russian military would like to get a UAS similar in size to the General Atomics RQ-1 Predator or the IAI Heron
19.06.2013Alexey Grigoriev, general designer at Klimov Company and UEC deputy general director for helicopter engines:

"Since we are convinced that the project has a future, the VK-800V design is currently involved in the program to create a prospective helicopter powerplant, which should be certified in 2016".
VSMPO-Avisma produced 30,000 tons of titanium in 2012
19.06.2013Russian metals specialist VSMPO-Avisma continues to expand its presence on the international aerospace market.
Ilyushin Finance backlog set to grow
19.06.2013In early June, the IFC shareholders approved the contracts to purchase 50 Russian Irkut MS-21 short- to medium-range airlines and 20 Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional aircraft, as well as 32 Bombardier CSeries jetliners.
Sikorsky S-76D: корпоративный фаворит вновь модернизирован
19.06.2013Новые двигатели, новые лопасти несущего винта, а также кабина экипажа с полностью электронной индикацией.


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