“The Army forum is not just about work, it is about celebrating the power of Russian weaponry”

The major part of the Russian Aerospace Forces static and demo display can be seen at Kubinka airfield
The major part of the Russian Aerospace Forces static and demo display can be seen at Kubinka airfield // Sergey Sergeev

The Russian Aerospace Forces occupy a traditionally prominent place both in Army 2016’s static park and on its demonstration program. Col-Gen Viktor Bondarev, who commands this new branch of the Russian Armed Forces, told Show Observer about the achievements and re-armament of his service.

Viktor Bondarev Commander-in-Chief, Russian Aerospace Forces

Viktor Bondarev,

Commander-in-Chief, Russian Aerospace Forces

— A year has passed since the creation of the Aerospace Forces. Was this time enough to achieve the necessary coordination between the three components of the new service? What are your force’s primary tasks?

— In accordance with the Russian president’s decree, the Russian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Defense Troops were merged into the Aerospace Forces on August 1, 2015. This was the most massive event in the whole history of reforms in the Russian Armed Forces. 

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2025-02-06 15:30
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