Basant takes on MiG responsibilities
RAC MiG and Basant Aerospace have signed a landmark maintenance and support deal for India’s MiG-29UPG fighter fleet at MAKS 2013. Delhi-based Basant will establish a new facility to provide repair services for the Phazotron Zhuk-ME radar and other elctronic systems on the Indian Air Force’s fleet of more than 60 upgraded MiG-29UPGs.
The deal, valued at $55 million, is part of RAC MiG’s $300 million offset obligation to India under the terms of the 2008 MiG-29 upgrade contract. Basant’s new support agreement with RAC MiG is the first ever such venture by an Indian private sector company for India’s military.
Basant will be responsible for repair and reurn-to-service of the 12 component modules within the Phazotron Zhuk-ME mechanically-scanned multi-mode radar. The comopany will provide the same care for 13 other onboard systems including communications, autopilot, datalink etc.
Basant is currently under contract to maintain radars for the Indian Air Force, but is hopeful for a further deal to support the similar radar on Indian Navy MiG-29Ks.
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