Bell 407GX with Russian origin

First Bell-407GX was assembled in Russia in December 2015
First Bell-407GX was assembled in Russia in December 2015 // UWCA
: News
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Tatyana Volodina

Bell Helicopter and its official representative in Russia, Jet Transfer, have brought to HeliRussia 2016 a Bell 407GX light single-engine helicopter. Outfitted with a corporate cabin, the aircraft is used for business travel within Moscow Region, Jet Transfer General Director Alexander Yevdokimov has told Show Observer.

Bell Helicopter’s best-selling model, the Bell 407GX is the first type by the US manufacturer whose assembly has been launched in Russia. Of the 175 civilian aircraft delivered by Bell in 2015, 99 represented the 407/407GX/ GXP family.

Yevdokimov says the 407 is popular in Russia, with dozens of the type delivered over the past several years. The head of Jet Transfer believes the Bell 407GX to offer the best price/quality ration in the current global economic situation.
According to Show Observer’s sources, five helicopters of the Bell 407 family were delivered to Russia last year alone, and the country’s total 407 fleet stands at 29 aircraft. The Federal Air Transport Agency reports that AeroGeo is the only Russian commercial operator whose certificate includes the type.

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