Cannon armed autonomous Tigr

A mock-up model of the Tigr-M armored vehicle equipped with a cannon combat station turned out to be one of the key elements of the Military Industrial Company’s exposition at the Army-2016 Forum. The new model is built on the basis of the ASN 233115 Tigr-M SpN special-purpose vehicle. What makes Tigr-M special is its ability to operate in an autonomous unmanned mode. It has got a self-contained power supply and an artificial intelligence system capable of taking full control of the vehicle, as well as performing reconnaissance, target acquisition and identification, homing guidance and prepare-to-fire procedures. In order to go into the unmanned mode, the vehicle needs a program. The operator stays sheltered and authorizes the target kill. The autonomous mode of Tigr-M can be used both day and night. In the daytime the system can acquire targets of a car size at a range of more than 3 km, at night time this range is no less than 2 km.
Tigr-M is the first ever two-axle armored vehicle under 9 tons to carry a 20-mm or bigger remote-controlled cannon station. In terms of construction and fire control the installed weapon station is similar to the 2A72 station with a 30-mm chain gun used on the Uran-9 combat multipurpose robotic system.
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