Dual firing

ADUNOK-2B turntable can house both machine gun and automatic grenade launcher tohether
ADUNOK-2B turntable can house both machine gun and automatic grenade launcher together // «Display» KB

Display Design Bureau (Vitebsk, Belarus) uses Army 2016 forum to show its new automated remote-controlled fire-observant complex ADUNOK-2B for the first time in Russia. If the previous generation of the complex can house either a machine gun or an automatic grenade launcher, the turntable of ADUNOK-2B has both types of small arms installed at once. The basic version has a 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun and a 30-mm AG-17A automatic grenade launcher. As a result of increasing the fire power it can take out both single, and area targets. To carry out surveillance and target designation the complex incorporates a video camera of wide and narrow fields of view with a target detection range of up to 2000 m and a thermal imager (target detection range - 1000 m). Laser range finder allows to measure the distance to the target with high accuracy at distances of up to 2500 m. ADUNOK-2B  is equipped with weapon stabilization system and can automatically keep and track targets. The complex control unit has a memorizing mode of up to 10 fixed targets with subsequent automated engaging them according to a given program.

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