Engineering increased operations

In 2013 the Holding’s subsidiaries serviced 60,228 flights
In 2013 the Holding’s subsidiaries serviced 60,228 flights // Engineering Holding
: News
Подробно об авторе:
Arthur Nurgaleev
News Eng, English

One of the largest Russian aircraft MRO providers, the Engineering Holding reported a 5% growth in man-hours in 2013 compared to previous year, up to 2042 thousand man-hours. The biggest share, 1730 thousand man-hours, was dedicated to servicing Western-built aircraft, a 7% increase over 2012. The volume of operations with Russian-built aircraft continued to shift down and accounted to 312 thousand man-hours.

The holding’s representatives told Show Observer, that decrease in MRO of Russian-built aircraft is a market trend — this segment has shrunk over the year, as these airframes continue to decrease in numbers. At the same time domestic MRO market for western-built aircraft has shown less growth than expected as many Russian operators for different reasons choose foreign maintenance providers, Engineering’s representatives explained.

In 2013 the holding’s subsidiaries serviced 60,228 flights, which is 7% better compared to 2012. They performed 755 A-checks, 107 C-checks and 7 D-checks/IL-checks. Nearly half of the operations were handled by S7 Engineering, about 35% - by Sibir Technics, and the rest – by ATB Domodedovo.  

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