Heliport Kaluga to be put into operation in 2016

Heliport Kaluga to be put into operation in 2016
Heliport Kaluga will provide storage space for up to 40 helicopters :: ATO.ru
Подробно об авторе:
Tatyana Volodina
News Eng, English, RUBAE

A heliport will be inaugurated in Kaluga in the second half of 2016, Katerina Granovskaya, head of sales at Heliport Moscow (a part of the Heliports of Russia project), announced on September 10 at JetExpo 2015. Construction is to begin shortly at the centrally located site on the bank of the river Oka. Over 300 million rubles ($4.4 million at the current exchange rate) in private investment will go into the project.

Heliport Kaluga will include a flying school and a maintenance center for Robinson and Airbus Helicopters types. It is also possible that MRO services will be offered on Bell helicopters; an agreement to that effect is expected to be signed at JetExpo. The first Bell MRO center in Russia will be opened at Heliport Reutov.

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