Indian MiG-29 fleet upgrade is on track

The first Indian MiG-29s are now being upgraded to UPG standards in Russia
The first Indian MiG-29s are now being upgraded to UPG standards in Russia / ATO.Ru

Russian fighter manufacturer RSK MiG is upgrading an initial batch of six Indian Air Force MiG-29s, according to the head of MiG’s Engineering Center, Vladimir Barkovsky. The first aircraft will complete flight trials and return to service by the end of this year.

The modernization plan sees each airframe inspected, overhauled and upgraded with a service life extension. Equally as important, the MiG-29UPG configuration significantly boosts the aircraft’s combat power. A new slot-array Phazotron NIIR Zhuk-M2E radar and OLS-UEM optical sensor (already fitted to Indian Navy MiG-29Ks) is being added, as well as a helmet-mounted sight and glass cockpit. This will enable the MiG-29UPG to employ Kh-29T/L, Kh-31A/P and Kh-35 air-to-surface missiles. Conformal fuel tanks above the fuselage and an in-flight refueling system will significantly increase the fighter’s combat range.

RSK MiG signed a contract in 2008 with the Indian Air Force to modernize 63 in-service MiG-29s to the UPG standard for an estimated $964 million. The first prototype made its maiden flight on 4 February this year.

MiG will upgrade the first six aircraft in Russia. The remainder will be modernized in India using Russian components.

Alexey Komarov, Maxim Pyadushkin

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