Lavochkin’s lunar ambitions

The Luna-Glob 1 probe should deliver up to 30 kg of equipment to the Moon
The Luna-Glob 1 probe should deliver up to 30 kg of equipment to the Moon
: News
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Igor Afanasyev

Following the failed Phobos Grunt mission in November 2011, Russia’s NPO Lavochkin has elevated the priority of its lunar projects and is currently considering several such missions.

The Russian Federal Space Agency in January 2013 contracted Lavochkin to develop the Luna-Glob 1 lander (1,450 kg wet weight, 533 kg dry weight). The mission will be used for a demonstration landing in the southern polar region of the Moon with up to 30 kg of scientific equipment on board for regolith studies and filming.

The mission, which has since been renamed Luna-25, will be launched in the second half of 2016 on board a Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle with a Fregat upper stage. Under the provisions of the federal space program, the launch should be performed from Russia’s new Vostochny Cosmodrome in the country’s Far East.

Capability demonstration is an important part of the mission. "We are planning a lunar landing to prove to ourselves that we are capable of such a program," says NPO Lavochkin head Viktor Khartov.

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