“The main goal of the Forum is to bring defense industry manufacturers and customers closer together”

As in the previous year, the Russian Land Forces has a remarkable display within the Forum Army-2016. The Services Commander-in-Chief Col. Gen. Oleg Salyukov elaborated on what his service will show at the stand, static exposition and within the demonstration program. 

Oleg SALYUKOV Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces

Oleg Salyukov,

Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces

— In what status is the Land Forces taking part in the Forum Army-2016? What will be displayed within the event? 

— Within the Army-2016 the experts of the Land Forces Chief Command and the Land Forces training facilities present innovations and samples of state-of-the-art weapons and equipment. Apart from that, in order to motivate young professionals to join the Land Forces, our exposition stand will contain comprehensive information on our higher education facilities and the Land Forces Scientific Squadron, as well as results of their R&D activity, university enrollment requirements, cadets’ everyday life and achievements of our alumni and staff. 

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