Motor Sich offers alternative powerplant for SSJ 100

Vyacheslav Boguslayev wants to see the D-436 powering the SSJ 100
Vyacheslav Boguslayev wants to see the D-436 powering the SSJ 100 / Motor Sich

Vyacheslav Boguslayev, general director of the Ukrainian engine maker Motor Sich, proposes a version of the Progress D-436 turbofan engine for installation on the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100). He says this would provide a more powerful and efficient powerplant solution for Russia’s new regional aircraft.

At present the only available engine choice for the SSJ 100 is the PowerJet SaM-146 turbofan jointly developed by Snecma of France and the Russian manufacturer NPO Saturn. Boguslayev points out that the airframe is heavier than was originally planned, and post-production modifications are only going to bring its weight further up. Re-engining the aircraft, he goes on, could mitigate this problem. SSJ 100 manufacturer Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company is not commenting on the Motor Sich proposal.

D-436 engines built at Motor Sich are currently used to power the Russo-Ukrainian Antonov An-148 region jet. Interestingly, Alexander Roubtsov, who heads the Russian aviation lessor Ilyushin Finance Co., has been urging installation of SaM-146 engines on the An-148 — something directly opposite to Boguslayev’s idea.

Polina Zvereva

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