New applications for Phazotron-NIIR radars

Yury Guskov, general designer of Russia’s leading radar developer Phazotron-NIIR
Yury Guskov, general designer of Russia’s leading radar developer Phazotron-NIIR
Подробно об авторе:
Maxim Pyadushkin
Article, English

Yury Guskov, general designer of Russia’s leading radar developer Phazotron-NIIR, told Russia & CIS Observer about the applications for the corporation’s products and outlined the future of radar technology.

— Which area of business is particularly important to Phazotron-NIIR today?

— This is a tricky question. From the commercial standpoint the most important activities would be the ones which have the potential to bring profit. From the scientific standpoint we concentrate on meeting, or better yet exceeding, the design specifications. Good products sell themselves.

In the field of aviation applications our top priority at the moment is developing the Zhuk radar family for the MiG-29SMT and MiG-29K fighters, and also for the upgraded MiG-29UPG variant. The second most important area of work is related to rotary-wing aircraft. The Arsenyev-based Progress factory manufactures Kamov Ka-52 helicopters, which are fitted with the Phazotron-NIIR Arbalet millimeter-wave radar. This contract is very profitable for our corporation.

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