New Kamov twin to resume trials
The development of the new Kamov Ka-60/62 medium twin helicopter – the manufacturer’s first non-coaxial-rotor aircraft – is gaining pace, backed by military orders and government subsidies. Kamov’s parent company Russian Helicopters is simultaneously preparing the market entry of the Ka-60 military transport and Ka-62 civil versions; both have a maximum take-off weight of 6,500 kg and can carry 12-15 passengers at 290 km/h to as far as 750 km.
The Ka-60/62 program was launched at the end of 1980s; the first prototype made its maiden flight in 1998. Capable of carrying up to 2,500 kg of payload, the Ka-60/62 was designed to fill the empty niche between the Ka-226 light twin and the medium-class Ka-32 and Mil Mi-8/17 helicopters. Unlike all other Kamov models, which feature distinctive co-axial rotors, the Ka-60 is of classic helicopter design with a five-blade main rotor and a shrouded tail rotor. At present Kamov has only one prototype, powered by two 1,300-hp NPO Saturn RD-600V turboshafts; another was lost in a crash during a test flight near Moscow in June 2010.
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