"Our guess at the Mi-34S1 popularity is coming true"
Light helicopters represent the most ubiquitous segment of the global rotorcraft market, so it appears natural that the Russian Helicopters holding company is planning to expand its presence on this market niche. One relevant program is the resumption of series production for the Mil Mi-34 helicopter, planned back in the Soviet times. A mock-up of the light helicopter was showcased in Zhukovsky two years ago. MAKS 2011 features a flying Mi-34S1 prototype. Program director Dmitry Rodin told Show Observer about the current status of this effort.
— What is the current status of the Mi-34S1 program?
— We are putting together a set of test benches for the Mi-34S1, conducting endurance trials, running tests on individual components and the helicopter as a whole, and gearing up for certification.
The Mi-34S was developed in the 1990s in the interests of the Soviet Air Force and DOSAAF [Voluntary Society for Promotion of the Army, Air Force, and Navy]. The former needed a military pilot training platform, while the latter was looking to promote aerobatics as a sport. However, due to the disintegration of the USSR and the ensuing string of economic crises, the aircraft never had a chance to enter the market properly. Only 22 airframes were built until production ceased in 2002.
And yet this small Mi-34S fleet played a vital role in developing the Mi-34S1 modification. Feedback from the owners of the existing aircraft was used in improving the helicopter’s design. Furthermore, we have learnt from talking to the operators that the range of the aircraft’s applications is in fact much broader than originally believed.
The Mi-34S1 boasts a French hydraulic system, a new piston engine with electric start-up and a fuel injection system, a baggage compartment, an interior design concept, and capability for installing a wide range of missionized equipment.
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