Phobos-Grunt prepares for launch
At MAKS-2011 air show NPO Lavochkin is showing a mock-up of the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft which will take Russia back into the business of deep space exploration by returning soil samples from Phobos, one of the moons of Mars. This mission was initially scheduled for launch in 2009 but was postponed. In mid-July the head of the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos, Vladimir Popovkin, announced the launch will take place in November.
The 13,200 kg Phobos-Grunt spacecraft has already been assembled. It consists of a 590 kg flight module with its own propulsion system, and a 215 kg return vehicle. They will be carried into orbit around Phobos by a Fregat spacecraft bus. According to the head of the Lavochkin planetary research center, Alexander Lukyanchikov, prior to its arrival at the cosmodrome the spacecraft will undergo a final round of trials to confirm its launch readiness.
Lukyanchikov highlights some key design features including the spacecraft’s main propulsion system with low-thrust engines and modern astro-measurement devices. A safe landing on Phobos will be provided through a TV navigation and guidance system, laser altimeter and Doppler velocimeter and hazemeter. Another innovation is a soil extraction device capable of working in zero-gravity conditions.
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