Promising Choice

PW1000G engine may be useful for Russian industry not only in MS-21 program

In February Irkut Corporation reported that the program of Russia’s new MS-21 narrowbody airliner had passed its third development milestone – approval of the aircraft’s preliminary design and the program’s business plan. Before that, in December 2009, Irkut completed the selection of MS-21 suppliers with a choice of Pratt& Whitney geared turbofan engine as the airliner’s main powerplants.
Irkut’s CEO Oleg Demchenko said that the MS-21 program proceeds on schedule and now the corporation plans to start active marketing of the new airliner. MS-21 is expected to make its maiden flight in 2014 while the commercial operation is to begin in 2016. The new aircraft’s family will include three modifications for 150, 180 and 210 passenger capacity with a range of 5,000-5,500 km.
The selection of the geared turbofan (GTF technology) engine PW1000G offered by Pratt & Whitney was quite explainable. Besides the technical aspects the choice of the American bid also has a marketing component because the engine with a new technology will improve attractiveness of MS-21 both for potential buyers and for the Russian government that finances the program. British Rolls-Royce that also took part in the bidding offered RB285 engine that used a more traditional three-shaft scheme.
The US manufacturer promises that the use of GTF technology allows significant reduction of fuel consumption and operating costs in comparison to traditional turbofan engines. Certification of PW1000G is planned for the end of 2011 and beginning of operation is planned for 2013. Pratt & Whitney already won the tenders for supplying PW1000G for Mitsubishi Regional Jet (version with thrust of about 8 tons) and Bombardier CSeries (thrust of approximately 10 tons) obtaining an order for 250 engines. Representatives of Pratt & Whitney say a special modification with thrust of about 14 tons will be developed for MS-21.
According to Irkut, development and production of PW1000G engine for MS-21 will be done with participation of the Russian partner that is United Engine-Building Corporation (UEC). One of UEC subsidiaries, Perm Engines company, already develops PS-14, the Russian powerplant for MS-21. This Perm-based company also has a big experience of cooperation with Pratt & Whitney in joint development of modernized PS-90A2 engine.
Representatives of Pratt & Whitney do not deny that installation of PW1000G engine on MS-21 will improve chances of the American company for victory in more important tenders for selection of power plants for new generations of narrow-body airplanes of Airbus and Boeing. This means that even in case of failure or drawing out of MS-21 development Russian engine-builders have a chance to join the pool of producers of PW1000G and to make money on supply of components or units of these engines for other airplane programs.
Earlier, a representative of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Irkut’s parent company, explained that for work under the MS-21 program Pratt & Whitney and UEC would establish a joint venture in which the American party would receive 51% of shares and the Russian party would receive 49%. Such division of stakes will allow avoidance of mistakes of another Russian project of PowerJet joint venture that is developing an engine for Sukhoi Superjet 100. According to UAC, the parity of PowerJet partners – Russian NPO Saturn and French Snecma – does not let any of participants bear full responsibility for the project.
Besides, the engine manufacturer, among the last MS-21 suppliers selected by Irkut were Russian Avionika corporation and American Rockwell Collins that will design an avionics suite for the future airliner. But Irkut has reserved the function of avionics integrator for itself. Rockwell Collins in partnership with Russian Aviapribor-Holding and French Goodrich AS became the supplier of the MS-21 integrated control system.   

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