Pushing the boundaries

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional airliner further expands its operating envelope
The SSJ 100’s cold-weather operating envelope was expanded ahead of the first de
The SSJ 100’s cold-weather operating envelope was expanded ahead of the first delivery to Yakutia
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Maxim Pyadushkin
Article, English

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 expanded its geographic presence in 2012 as new customers emerged for Russia’s new regional jet. The manufacturer, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), plans to ramp up production this year and to begin deliveries to Southeast Asia.

SSJ 100 commercial operation began in 2011. Russia’s largest carrier Aeroflot currently operates 10 of the type, including the six airframes delivered in 2012. Another Russian airline, Yakutia, took delivery of its first SSJ 100 at the end of last year. The other aircraft on order should be delivered shortly. The two Yakutia SSJ 100s come in the 93-passenger, twin-class cabin layout (eight seats in business class and 85 seats in economy). Yakutia is the first customer to have received a production SSJ 100 with individual passenger air vents.

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