Simulator for Future Victories

Virtual battlefield combat action exercises use real geographical area models
Virtual battlefield combat action exercises use real geographical area models // The Kronshtadt Group

Within the Army-2016 Forum the St Petersburg-based Kronshtadt Group is to present the integrated virtual battlespace (IVBS), one of its most advanced and high-tech developments designed for virtual combat action planning and training.   
“The integrated virtual battlespace offers computer simulation of combat actions taking place on a given territory,” says Armen Isaakyan, the General Director of the Kronshtadt Group. – “It is both a unique simulator and virtual environment that displays actions of simulator trainees and simulates situations according to assigned algorithms of weapons and military equipment.”

At first glance, the IVBS is a computer game but for the military. However, there are two features which make it unique and highly practical. Firstly, combat action practice can be simulated for a specific geographical area. The system uses most up-to-date digital base maps, aerial survey data, satellite images, photos and other geospatial data sources for creating virtual 3D battlespace environment. Besides, new objects determined by a training exercise can be added to the map. Special technologies create 3D images of buildings, constructions, obstacles and even trees within the simulated combat area. The math model of combat actions, created by the Kronshtadt Group developers, is the core of the entire system and incorporates motion, fire and kill, information and command, as well as combat support models. 

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