Sukhoi Superjet 100 goes mature

The manufacturer increases the assembly rates and thinks about design improvements
Sukhoi Superjet 100 goes mature
SJI / Alexey Petrov
Подробно об авторе:
Maxim Pyadushkin
Article, English

The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is the only live aircraft to represent Russia at the Farnborough airshow this summer. This regional jet remains the country’s top-priority commercial aircraft program. Several dozen SSJ 100s already demonstrate good operational results both in Russia and abroad. The manufacturer, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC), is successfully increasing production rates and looking for ways to improve its only product.

SCAC uses Farnborough airshow for the international debut of the aircraft’s long range version. It has brought the SSJ 100LR in the livery of Russia’s third largest carrier UTair Aviation. This is the second airframe out of UTair’s six of the type, all ordered in 103-seat all-economy configuration. They will be operated by the carrier’s regional subsidiary UTair Express. The first airliner has already been delivered.

The launch customer for the SSJ 100, Russia’s largest carrier Aeroflot, has recently completed the replacement of the initial batch of 10 aircraft with the same number of so-called full specification airframes. These are equipped with an upgraded flight management system (FMS) and have a weather radar with a wind detection function. The modification features additional video control cameras, improved interior design and an extra cabin crew seat by the wall of the optional galley in the back of the aircraft. Aeroflot’s order comprises 30 airframes. According to SCAC, the airline will receive eight more aircraft by the end of 2014.

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