"There is a great potential for helicopter market development"

Foreign-made helicopters play an increasing role on the Russian market working in the fleets of both commercial and government operators. Laurence Rigolini, CEO of Eurocopter Vostok, told Show Observer about the experience and prospects of Eurocopter rotorcraft’s operations in this country.

– Mrs Rigolini, what are Eurocopter and Eurocopter Vostok annual results for 2011?
– In 2011, Eurocopter has generated a record annual turnover of €5.4 bln which is 12 % growth compared to 2010. In total, the company has delivered 503 helicopters and increased support and services activities significantly which represent around 30% of the global Eurocopter business. 457 net bookings for €4.7 bln have been received.
In Russia, Eurocopter’s subsidiary Eurocopter Vostok delivered 16 helicopters and received orders for 29 helicopters in 2011. As a result the size of Eurocopter fleet in Russia increased by 20%.
Eurocopter has also strengthened its cooperation with Russian operators such as UTair by certifying its training center as the 20th Eurocopter training center world-wide and the first with an external partner to train pilots and technical staff on AS350 B3 and AS355 NP helicopters .

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