Tulamashzavod shows naval anti-aircraft systems

Kashtan is an export version of the Kortik gun-missile weapon system
Kashtan is an export version of the Kortik gun-missile weapon system // Black Leon / Wikipedia

Tulamashzavod Production Association is demonstrating its Kashtan gun-missile close-in weapon system (CIWS) at Army 2016. An export version of the Kortik CIWS, the Kashtan’s modular design makes it possible to use it both on land and on ships with at least 500 t displacement. The Kashtan is intended against aerial and sea-surface targets. It includes twin-staged solid-fuel anti-aircraft missiles with proximity-fused continuous-rod warheads, and also two AO-18 30-mm six-barrel anti-aircraft machine guns.

The machine guns have a maximum range of 4 km; the missiles’ maximum range is 8 km. The engagement altitude is 3 km and 3.5 km, respectively.

The system is capable of fully automated target detection and engagement. Depending on the number of combat modules, the Kashtan can simultaneously engage up to six targets. The machine guns have a rate of fire of 10,000 rounds per minute.

A pair of AO-18KD machine guns is used in Tulamashzavod’s Palma system, which is also being demonstrated at the exhibition. The Palma includes laser-guided Sosna-R anti-aircraft missiles.

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