A unique partner for Russia

International cooperation in the defence industry is commonplace, but not in every sector. The electronic warfare (EW) field is one where the players tend to closely guard their skills and secrets. In this respect Italy’s Elettronica stands out because of the special position it holds in Russia.

“EW collaboration is still unusual, “says Eugenio Santagata, vice president international sales, Elettronica, “and we are the only international partner that Russia has signed any agreements with. There are 18 companies grouped in the EW ‘cluster’ established by Radioelectronictechnologies under the coordination of Rosoboronexport. We have a very specific agreement signed as an MoU last July to develop and produce EW systems in Russia.”

Santagata tells Show Observer, “We are looking to become more international by teaming with more partners. Growth is driven by large volume projects and those are all airborne platforms. We identified Russia as a key international partner and our aim is to work together in what we call ‘the Russian export market’”. Elettronica is already active in Russia as a EW supplier to MiG for the Indian Air Force. It provides new systems for the MiG29UPG upgrade program and is a key partner on the MiG-35. “We like fighter jets, ‘ says Santagata, “ they are well matched to our business.”

Elettronica also has an MoU with Kamov and is looking at new markets in South East Asia and Latin America. “We are inking important agreements with our Russian partners,” says Santagata, “and the momentum is there.” 

Robert Hewson

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