Verba gets its simulation training system

Verba MANPADS can hit targets at a maximum range of more than 6 km
Verba MANPADS can hit targets at a maximum range of more than 6 km // RPC KBM

The Army-2016 Forum is to host the first appearance of the simulator for the Russian new generation man-portable air-defense system Verba brought into service in 2015. It is an all-weather unit designed for both in-class and air-defense field camps applications, and can be well operated in random terrain conditions, as the manufacturer, Trenazhernye Systemy company said to the Show Observer.

The simulator will train soldiers to handle the MANPADS including such skills as determining the missile launch envelope and timing, as well as locking-in, tracking and shooting down the target. Moreover, the soldiers will learn how to define the type of an aircraft, its nationality and target motion parameters. The simulator’s startup time is less than 5 minutes. Up to three people can be trained simultaneously, the developer reports. 

The Vebra MANPADS designed to bring down low flying aerial targets was first demonstrated at the Army-2015 Forum last year. It has got a 2.5 time longer target acquisition range than its predecessor model Igla. It also demonstrates a 10 time better capability of breaching the target’s pyrotechnic decoy flare protection.

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