Архив материалов ATO.RU: "English" за 05/2014
22.05.2014The Bell Helicopter exposition at HeliRussia 2014 features HeliWagon, a remote-controlled mobile dolly intended as a landing and parking platform for light and mid-sized helicopters.
22.05.2014Russian Helicopter’s firm backlog comprised 808 aircraft as of the end of last year, for a combined value of 401.2 billion rubles.
22.05.2014Russia’s premier airborne radar specialist Phazotron NIIR, a subsidiary of the concern KRET, has brought to HeliRussia 2014 its in-production Ka-band 8mm wavelength FH01 Millimeter Wave Radar (MMW) for the Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopter.
22.05.2014Russian Helicopter is expected to finalize the concept of an advanced high-speed helicopter in the next 12 to 18 months
22.05.2014The manufacturer has landed more than 100 orders for the version in different configurations.
22.05.2014Over 1,300 representatives of 200 international and Russian companies will take part in HeliRussia 2014
22.05.2014Laurence Rigolini, General Manager of Airbus Helicopters Vostok:
"Among the whole Airbus Helicopters fleet in CIS, the light single Ecureuil, AS350 and EC130, are the market leaders both for utility missions and for Corporate/VIP use".
"Among the whole Airbus Helicopters fleet in CIS, the light single Ecureuil, AS350 and EC130, are the market leaders both for utility missions and for Corporate/VIP use".
22.05.2014Patrick Moulay, Bell Helicopter’s managing director for Europe and Russia:
"We selected Transas Aviation as the manufacturer of GLONASS equipment and are on track to meet Russian CAA dead line for installation of this equipment".
"We selected Transas Aviation as the manufacturer of GLONASS equipment and are on track to meet Russian CAA dead line for installation of this equipment".
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