Архив материалов ATO.RU: "Все материалы" за 11/2012

MA700 будет шире Q400 и ATR 72
09.11.2012Cпециалисты AVIC уверены, что пришло время делать турбовинтовые самолеты более вместительными и широкими.
Чистая прибыль группы Singapore Airlines упала на 30%
09.11.2012...и составила 168 млн сингапурских долл. (137,7 млн долл. США), против 239 млн сингапурских долл. (187,75 млн долл. США) годом ранее.
Авиакомпания "Аэрофлот" показала компоновку новых самолетов Boeing 777
09.11.2012Чтобы разместить больше пассажиров, авиакомпания установила 10 кресел в ряд в эконом классе.
Компания "Мотор Сич" расширила свой техцентр в Шардже
09.11.2012Компания открыла новый ангар, мощности которого рассчитаны на одновременный ремонт четырех вертолетов.
The ExoMars rover is to be delivered to Mars by Russian Proton-M launch vehicle
09.11.2012The plans to revise the Russian space program, first announced in late 2011, have been further refined this year all because of another in a recent row of launch failures.
The number of business aviation flights in Russia has grown more than threefold
09.11.2012The Russian business aviation market has considerable potential for growth
Partnerships with TUI allowed Russian charter operator Kolavia to increase quick
09.11.2012The ranking of airlines in terms of passengers carried on international routes differs from the overall leaders list.
Russia’s An-2 fleet currently stands at about 1,500 airframes, but only some 300
09.11.2012Russian local and regional operators are in dire need of new equipment but there are no easy ways to renew obsolete fleets
The launch customers for future MTA aircraft will be the air forces of Russia an
09.11.2012Russia and India have taken a significant step towards joint development of the long-awaited Multirole Transport Aircraft (MTA).
The first Su-30SM prototype landing after its maiden flight
08.11.2012Irkut Corporation, a subsidiary of Russia’s United Aircraft Corpora­tion, has started flight-testing the twin-seat Sukhoi Su-30SM multirole fighter.
Imroved An-70 prototype takes off near Kiev
08.11.2012The first three test flights were performed on September 27-30 outside Kiev, and involved the only existing prototype with improved powerplants and avionics.
Evolution of AESA TR modules developed by Phazotron-NIIR
08.11.2012Phazotron-NIIR Corpo­ra­tion, Russiaʼs leading radar specialist, is working to create a next-generation radar with an active electronically scanned array (AESA).
Deliveries of the improved Il-76MD-90As to the Russian military should start in
08.11.2012The Ilyushin Il-76 transport aircraft program has recently received a new shot in the arm that can significantly prolong the service life of this model, which enjoys steady demand from both civil and military operators in Russia and abroad.
Once the largest importer of Russian armament and military aviation equipment
08.11.2012Once the largest importer of Russian armament and military aviation equipment, China is growing increasingly picky about its procurement needs


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