Архив материалов ATO.RU: "Все материалы" за 11/2014
11.11.2014The upgrade effort is called to boost the functionality of the Soyuz’s equipment by ensuring command and control beyond the line of sight of the Russian ground control stations.
11.11.2014Bizav market shrinks in Russia
11.11.2014Russian commercial aviation faces serious challenges caused by the country’s deteriorating economic situation and political tensions over the crisis in Ukraine.
11.11.2014The legislative framework for subsidizing the air transport industry remains imperfect, implying additional problems for airlines and regional authorities alike.
11.11.2014The tense political situation is affecting Russian carriers and aircraft lessors.
11.11.2014Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and its Chinese counterpart, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), are looking to complete a feasibility study this fall for the joint development of a new widebody commercial airliner.
11.11.2014On October 16, Russian Helicopters successfully conducted the first flight of the Mil Mi-38 medium helicopter’s pre-production prototype.
11.11.2014Russian banks extend more loans to back the Sukhoi Superjet 100 program
11.11.2014Russia continues work to develop a new heavy transport aircraft
11.11.2014The Russian Navy will shortly expand its antisubmarine warfare (ASW) capabilities with the addition of new helicopters.
11.11.2014The Sukhoi Su-35 multirole fighter will be a centerpiece of the Russian exposition at Airshow China this year.
11.11.2014The sharp worsening of relations with the West is prompting Russia to develop closer political ties with China, which means that political reasoning could prevail over long-term commercial goals and even considerations of military security.
10.11.2014К 2016 г. холдинг соберет 13 комплектов замков убранного положения шасси и створок шасси, а также 11 комплектов гидроцилиндров створок ВПУ.
10.11.2014Теперь воздушная гавань сможет принимать все типы самолетов.
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