Fifth-generation engine for the Sukhoi T-50 fighter

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Valery Ageyev

Russia’s United Engine Corporation (UEC) looks to complete the development of the production engine for the Sukhoi T-50 fifth-generation fighter by late 2015. This is when the engineering design phase is expected to be finished and blueprints issued for the manufacture of the gas generator and engine demonstrators. Engine prototypes should be built and enter into testing in 2016.

The T-50 prototypes involved in the flight tests are currently powered by Item 117 engines, which represent a heavy upgrade of the NPO Saturn AL-31F design.

The Lyulka design bureau, a filial of Ufa Engine Industrial Association, has been identified as the development integrator. The program also involves the Salyut research and production center and the Ufa-based Motor production plant. Ilya Fedotov, deputy general director at UEC and managing director of NPO Saturn, says the T-50 engine program is led by Lyulka general designer Yevgeny Marchukov.

NPO Saturn is also working on the program. The company has conducted extensive research into the gas generator technology for the new engine, resulting in much higher performance than expected by the customer.

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