Navalized version for Kamov Ka252

The Ka-52K may get anti-ship weapons in the future
The Ka-52K may get anti-ship weapons in the future
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Maxim Pyadushkin
Article, English

The Russian Navy remains interested in the naval version of the Kamov Ka-52 coaxial attack helicopter despite the uncertain fate of the two French-made Mistral-class landing docks, at which it was originally planned to base the aircraft. The first prototype of this modification, dubbed Ka-52K, entered factory trials at the Progress Arseniev Aviation Company in Russia’s Far East this March. “The Defense Ministry is committed to this program”, Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov said during a visit to the facility.

The development of the naval variant started in 2011, when Russia ordered two Mistrals worth 1.2 billion euros from the STX France shipyard. A baseline Ka-52 performed several test landings on the deck of the Russian Northern Fleet’s large anti-submarine ship Admiral Kulakov in Kola Bay, a Barents Sea fjord, in September 2011.

According to Progress’ parent company Russian Helicopters, the main differences of the naval version from the Ka- 52 Alligator baseline are the folding main rotor blades and folding stub wings, each of which is fitted with two hardpoints. The new version will also have enhanced corrosion protection and a modified air conditioning system. The Ka-52K will receive an improved avionics suite to enable instrument landing on a ship deck. The crew life support system will be upgraded to enable the pilots to operate in immersion suits.

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