Russian aircraft industry turns to domestic customers

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Konstantin Makienko
News Eng, English

In the two years that have passed since the previous MAKS show, the Russian aviation industry has transitioned from a heavily export-dependent mode of operation to catering predominantly to the needs of domestic customers. While the volume of export contracts for Russian aircraft continues to shrink, the national air force is ordering increasingly more equipment.

Only 46 foreign orders for Russian-manufactured warplanes and knock-down kits were placed in 2011-2012. Indonesia ordered six Sukhoi Su-30MK2 fighters in 2011, and India, in December 2012, purchased 42 Su-30MKI kits to be assembled locally. Belarus placed an order for four Yakovlev Yak-130 jet trainers. Also in 2011, it became known that Syria had ordered 36 Yak-130s, but the future of that contract remains unclear. On the one hand, the contract appears to be on because Syria has made a down payment. On the other hand, according to a number of official Russian statements, Moscow has suspended all armament deliveries to Damascus until the situation in that country has stabilised (i.e. until the civil war has ended and a foreign military intervention ensued).

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