Rysachok enters certification tests

The Rysachok debuted at MAKS 2011
The Rysachok debuted at MAKS 2011
: News
Подробно об авторе:
Polina Zvereva
News Eng, English

Samara-based TsSKB-Progress is displaying two examples of the Technoavia Rysachok light twin turboprop at MAKS 2013. One of the aircraft is taking part in the flying displays, the other is in the static park.

The Rysachok program was launched in 2007 at the request of Ulyanovsk Higher School of Civil Aviation. The aircraft was originally intended as a trainer for flying schools. However, the customer amended the specifications at some point while the contractor failed to meet the agreed deadlines. The Ulyanovsk school effectively severed the contract with Technoavia in May 2012. Initially meant to seat nine to 10 passengers, the developer eventually decided to design two Kysachok variants, with 16 and 19 seats.

The aircraft is powered by a pair of Walter М601F turboprop engines. Technoavia in March 2011 contracted Walter’s US-based parent company GE Aviation to supply H80 engines in the upgraded M601 version for 30 aircraft, with an option for 30 more sets.

The flying phase of Rysachok’s certification program began earlier this year and will take around 1.5 years to complete. 

The TsSKB-Progress assembly line will be certified concurrently, in the run-up to the launch of series production. Certain interest from regional carriers is expected.  

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