Simulator for Typhoon-M combat vehicle

Simulator for Typhoon-M at Army 2016 (Mikhail Zherdev)
Simulator for Typhoon-M at Army 2016 (Mikhail Zherdev)

The Russian Strategic Missile Forces keep up a good tradition of providing visitors of the Army-2016 Forum with an opportunity to try their hand at being a crew member of a combat vehicle.They can try a simulator of Typhoon-M counter-sabotage combat vehicle (BPDM). The training system creates a virtual replica of combat environment with precise simulation of terrain, road surfaces, obstacles and various weather conditions. The multifunctional simulator provides training of all BPDM’s crew-members. So visitors can experience the role of any combat squad member first-hand, would that be a driver, a fire weapon operator, or a soldier of a counter-sabotage division protecting a Yars land-based mobile missile system or preventing enemy intrusions to strategic missile sites.

The training system simulates tactical environment of a subversive activity area, all stationary and mobile assets including hostile automotive equipment and manpower. 

BPDM Typhoon-M was created by Strela Research and Production Facility and VPK LLC on the basis of BTR-82 armored vehicle. Its reconnaissance system includes radar and electrooptical surveillance stations, as well as Aileron-3SV drones. It is armed with a remote-controlled 7.62 PKT machine gun turret.

Training centers of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces will receive 10 BPDM Typhoon-M training simulators before the end of 2016, whereas the overall number of deliveries will reach 20 by 2020.

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