A training version of the Night Hunter

The Mi-28UB can perform all functions of an attack helicopter
The Mi-28UB can perform all functions of an attack helicopter :: Russian Helicopters
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Maxim Pyadushkin

MAKS 2013 visitors have a chance to see a new variant of the Mil Mi-28 Night Hunter attack helicopter on static display. The Mi-28UB combat trainer modification first flew from the Rostvertol production facility, the Rostov-on-Don subsidiary of Russian Helicopters, on August 9.

The Mi-28UB was developed under the requirements of the Russian Defense Ministry and is intended as a conversion trainer for Mi-28N pilots. The new variant features dual hydromechanical flight controls, enabling tandem cockpit operations. The original model has no controls provided for the gunner in the lower cockpit. Other improvements include a more spacious forward cockpit, which will be occupied by the flight instructor; greater glazed area and new energy-absorbing crew seats. The Mi-28UB can perform all functions of an attack helicopter, says a Russian Helicopters representative.

The Mi-28N entered service in 2009 as the main attack helicopter of Russia’s Army Aviation, to gradually replace the ageing Mi-24 fleet. So far the Russian military has reportedly placed orders for about 100 of this type. The first Mi-28N squadron became operational in 2010.  

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