Valery Okulov: "Rapid Grouth in Passenger Traffic is Accompanied by New Challenges"

: At First Hand
Подробно об авторе:
Polina Zvereva and Alexei Sinitsky

Russian Deputy Transport Minister Valery Okulov sat down with Show Observer to discuss the trends and problems in the development of Russian civil aviation, the prospects of the low-fare model, and the future of regional air services.

— Russian air transport has been growing at a very fast pace over the past several years. Is this trend going to continue this year, and how will the sector change as a result?
— Indeed, we have been observing rapid growth for at least the past three years, and this trend will continue in 2013. Passenger traffic increased by 15% in the first half of the year, which is very good. However, such rapid development is inevitably accompanied by new challenges; the sector’s existing problems get exacerbated and lead to shortages in certain areas. The most pressing shortages are those of pilots (primarily captains) and aircraft of all sizes. Another problem is that the airport infrastructure requires renovation.

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