PD-14 prototype will be ready in 2012

Two years ago the Perm-based Aviadvigatel Design Bureau, part of state-controlled United Engine Corporation, unveiled the first components (including fan blades and combustion chambers), for its new PD-14 turbofan engine destined to power Russia’s future MS-21 airliner. This engine will be offered for the MS-21 alongside a second option, the Pratt & Whitney PurePower PW1400G.
Since that 2009 debut Aviadvigatel has moved forward with its PD-14 development work. At the end of November 2010 bench tests began with the engine’s gas generator. According to Aviadvigatel CEO and Chief Designer, Alexander Inozemtsev, the first engine prototype will be assembled in March 2012. The PD-14 will be certified simultaneously under Russian AR MAK and European EASA standards, to enter service in 2015-2016.
The basic PD-14 will be rated at 14 tonnes thrust. It is a classic turbofan design with a bypass ratio of 8.5. Compared to existing powerplants in the same class, the PD-14 should provide 10-15% lower fuel consumption, 15-20% lower operating costs and 99.95% reliability.
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