The monthly flying time for Rossiya’s An-148 fleet averaged at 300 hours per air
21.11.2013IFC sees a potential market for the An-148/158 among the current operators of the BAe 146 regional jetliner and its Avro RJ modification
Rostec and Diamond Aircraft will jointly develop new regional aircraft
20.11.2013The aviation giant is planning to have an indigenous final assembly capability for regional turboprop airliners.
MC-21 commercial operation is expected to start in 2017
19.11.2013Irkut is tooling up to accommodate all orders for its new aircraft design
New challenges for Sukhoi Superjet 100
18.11.2013The Russian regional airliner program is ramping up production in a bid to attain financial stability.
27.08.2013Sergey Dementyev, General Director, Aviastar-SP:

"We are already capable of building six to eight Il-76TD-90A aircraft a year".
Transas says its new civilian UAS will have an endurance of at least 24 hours
19.06.2013Russian military would like to get a UAS similar in size to the General Atomics RQ-1 Predator or the IAI Heron
19.06.2013Alexey Grigoriev, general designer at Klimov Company and UEC deputy general director for helicopter engines:

"Since we are convinced that the project has a future, the VK-800V design is currently involved in the program to create a prospective helicopter powerplant, which should be certified in 2016".
VSMPO-Avisma produced 30,000 tons of titanium in 2012
19.06.2013Russian metals specialist VSMPO-Avisma continues to expand its presence on the international aerospace market.
Ilyushin Finance backlog set to grow
19.06.2013In early June, the IFC shareholders approved the contracts to purchase 50 Russian Irkut MS-21 short- to medium-range airlines and 20 Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional aircraft, as well as 32 Bombardier CSeries jetliners.
17.06.2013Andrey Sharnin, deputy general director for business development and aerospace programs Progresstech:

"The opening of companies in the USA enabled us to ascend to a whole new level of relations with our clients".
The series production of new Mi-38 should begin in Kazan in 2015
17.06.2013Russian Helicopters wants to further improve its bestseller and introduce several new models.
Mexico’s Interjet should receive its first SSJ 100 this summer
17.06.2013The Russian manufacturer aims to cut losses and increase commercial sales
The first all-Russian VK-2500 turboshaft on the test bench at Klimov’s new facil
06.02.2013Russian aero engine designers have reached an important milestone in launching domestic production of helicopter powerplants, which have been enjoying steadily growing demand over the past several years.
The SSJ 100’s cold-weather operating envelope was expanded ahead of the first de
06.02.2013The Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional airliner further expands its operating envelope
Russian government agencies are buying increasingly more commercial aircraft fro
06.02.2013The Russian government is looking for better ways to support the country’s aircraft industry and air transport sector


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