16.06.2015The crisis did not come without a warning
16.06.2015Russian carriers should get used to weak demand.
11.11.2014Russian commercial aviation faces serious challenges caused by the country’s deteriorating economic situation and political tensions over the crisis in Ukraine.
11.11.2014The legislative framework for subsidizing the air transport industry remains imperfect, implying additional problems for airlines and regional authorities alike.
11.11.2014The tense political situation is affecting Russian carriers and aircraft lessors.
21.07.2014The new budget carrier Dobrolet, a subsidiary of the country’s largest airline Aeroflot, made its first revenue flight on June 10 from Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport to Simferopol in Crimea.
21.07.2014The share of aircraft taken by Russian carriers from Russian lessors under operational leasing schemes is growing gradually.
19.11.2013Dobrolet is expected to begin revenue flights in spring 2014.
18.11.2013Russian airlines are projected to carry 38.2 million passengers domestically and 46.7 million people on international routes this year.
19.06.2013The 2012 performance results across the Russian air transport sector were largely defined by the state of the aircraft fleets and by the airlines’ financial situation. It transpires that, despite the carriers’ active efforts to acquire new equipment, their operating margins remain low.
06.02.2013Volga-Dnepr Gulf plans to perform about 40 A-checks in 2013 and to attract about 30 new customers within the next 1.5 years.
06.02.2013Vnukovo, the smallest of Moscow’s three major airports, considerably expanded its passenger capacity with the opening of a new terminal in December 2012. Construction of Terminal A had begun in 2006 as part of a large-scale program to modernize Vnukovo. At a cost of 44 billion rubles (around $1.4 billion), the program was financed by the Moscow city administration, which is the airport’s largest shareholder, as well as by private investors.
06.02.2013Russia’s air transport sector continued to grow for the third consecutive year throughout 2012 following a slight decline in 2009. The upward trend has been accompanied by incipient liberalization of international routes and by the government-backed drive to consolidate the industry.
09.11.2012The ranking of airlines in terms of passengers carried on international routes differs from the overall leaders list.
09.11.2012Russian local and regional operators are in dire need of new equipment but there are no easy ways to renew obsolete fleets
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