Архив материалов ATO.RU: "News" за 05/2014

Ivchenko Progress is building the first two D-136-2 engines for the Mi-26T2
23.05.2014Ukrainian engine specialist Ivchenko Progress has brought to HeliRussia 2014 a mock-up of its D-136-2 helicopter engine, which was first demonstrated in Russia at last year’s exhibition. The company says it is assembling the first two examples of the powerplant.
Mi-8MSB has already been demonstrated at HeliRussia
23.05.2014In April 2014, acting Ukrainian Defence Minister Mykhaylo Koval signed a decree introducing the Mil Mi-8 military transport helicopter into service with the national armed forces.
Salut to build helicopter engines
23.05.2014Russia’s Salut Scientific Industrial Center for Gas Turbines is planning to supply parts for Klimov VK-2500 helicopter engines.
The new KBO-17 avionics suite installed at Mi-171A2
23.05.2014The Russian Helicopters holding company is flight-testing the Mil Mi-171A2 transport helicopter — the latest modification of the Mi-8/17 family.
Aviamarket has delivered around 50% of all Robinsons operated in Russia
23.05.2014Aviamarket will now be rebranded as Heliport Istra, and will become Heliport Moscow’s primary aircraft maintenance facility.
The Klimov-powered Mi-38 first flew in December 2013
23.05.2014The Klimov TV7-117V helicopter engine will be certified in December 2014.
Curt Robinson (in center) in person handles the keys to the Russian owner of the 500-th serial R66 (right)
23.05.2014First day of HeliRussia 2014 was marked by the signing of contract for 20 R44 and R66 helicopters between Heliport and Robinson Helicopter, which makes Heliport the largest Robinson customer outside the US.
HeliRussia attracts all major helicopter makers
22.05.2014A total of 212 companies from 20 countries are exhibiting at a combined area of 14,000 sq.m.
Foreign helicopter deliveries to Russia grew by 50%
22.05.2014А record number of helicopters were imported into Russia in 2013.
22.05.2014French engine maker Turbomeca, a part of Safran Group, is ready to extend its ongoing partnership with Russian Helicopters to the level of global industrial co-operation
Russian Helicopters was world’s third for rotorcraft deliveries last year
22.05.2014The helicopter market has remained among the most stable and dynamic sectors of the global aviation industry for several years in a row
The Russian light and medium helicopter fleet has grown by 166% over the past five years
22.05.2014Out of 355 new helicopters newly registered in the country over the past five years 314 were the light and medium rotorcraft.
The Russian Air Force operates several dozen Mi-28N attack helicopters
22.05.2014The Russian state-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport is planning to begin foreign deliveries of Mil Mi-28NE attack helicopters this year.
HeliWagon is capable of making 360-degree turns
22.05.2014The Bell Helicopter exposition at HeliRussia 2014 features HeliWagon, a remote-controlled mobile dolly intended as a landing and parking platform for light and mid-sized helicopters.
Russian industry built 303 new helicopters in 2013
22.05.2014Russian Helicopter’s firm backlog comprised 808 aircraft as of the end of last year, for a combined value of 401.2 billion rubles. 


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