Архив материалов ATO.RU: "News" за 09/2016

Sprut-SDM1 is positioned as an analog to a light tank
08.09.2016At Army 2016 Forum one can see self-propelled anti-tank gun Sprut-SD, however in June 2016 state trials of its modernized version Sprut-SDM1 commenced near Pskov, North-West Russia
100th assembled Su-34 bomber
08.09.2016Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant, a subsidiary of Sukhoi Company, United Aircraft Corporation, has rolled out the 100th Su-34 frontline bomber
Project 22160 patrol ship
08.09.2016Zelenodolsk Shipyard is demonstrating at Army 2016 forum a scale model of the Project 22160 patrol ship developed by Severnoye Design Bureau
The Ilya Muromets icebreaker is scheduled for commissioning by the Russian Navy Arctic Forces in 2017
08.09.2016The Ilya Muromets is scheduled for commissioning by the Russian Navy Arctic Forces in 2017
08.09.2016At Army 2016 the Russian Engineering Troops display the TMM-3M2 heavy mechanized bridgelayer
New S-400 SAM system  at the military parade in Moscow
08.09.2016Despite the economic recession, defense spending in Russia continued to grow in 2014-15
All the contracts were signed by Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov (right)  (Алексей Филиппов / РИА «Новости»)
07.09.2016The Russian Defense Ministry has signed 17 long-term contracts with domestic enterprises at Army 2016, for a combined total of 130 billion rubles ($2 billion at the current exchange rate).
Simulator for Typhoon-M at Army 2016 (Mikhail Zherdev)
07.09.2016The Russian Strategic Missile Forces keep up a good tradition of providing visitors of the Army-2016 Forum with an opportunity to try their hand at being a crew member of a combat vehicle.
The 3F30-9 transport/loader in the Army 2016 static park (Mikhail Zherdev)
07.09.2016The Russian Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) are showcasing the 3F30-9 transport/loader at Army 2016.
UDK-E Piboy model (Leonid Faerberg / Transport-Photo.com)
07.09.2016St. Petersburg-based Krylov State Research Center is presenting a model of the UDK-E Piboy three-deck landing helicopter dock (LHD) project.
Sukhoi has become the main beneficiary of government guarantees for the defense procurement program
07.09.2016In 2016 the Russian government allocated 141.9 billion rubles as government guarantees for local defense companies
The BT-3F’s gross combat weight is 18.5 tons
07.09.2016The Army-2016 Forum displays a prototype of the brand new BT-3F armored personnel carrier
Kalashnikov Concern offers one of the largest expositions at the Army 2016 forum
07.09.2016Kalashnikov Concern offers one of the largest expositions at the Army 2016 forum: 50 models of small arms, remote-controlled weapon platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles and landing craft.
Mi-8AMTSh-VA at the Defense Ministry’s commissioning ceremony in Ulan-Ude, November, 2015
07.09.2016The Army-2016 Forum is to host the first demonstration of the all-new Mi-8AMTSh-VA helicopter designed by the Russian Helicopters especially for operation under extreme Arctic conditions
The Russian Knights may say goodbye to their Su-27 fighters before year-end
07.09.2016The Russian Knights, a Russian Air Force display team flying Sukhoi Su-27 multirole fighters, may have their final major public performance with these aircraft timed to the Army 2016 flying program


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