Архив материалов ATO.RU: "News Eng" за 05/2013
17.05.2013Russian Helicopters hopes the Ka-62 will join the flying display at the MAKS exhibition outside Moscow this August
17.05.2013The company has created a number of helicopter radars for Kamov and Mil helicopters.
17.05.2013The new Mil Mi-38 transport helicopter has demonstrated the best performance for its MTOW class (10,000 to 20,000 kg) in the course of the on-going flight test program.
16.05.2013The first Russian-assembled AgustaWestland AW139 medium twin helicopter will be delivered in June 2013, representatives of the Anglo-Italian company told Show Observer at HeliRussia 2013.
16.05.2013Russian Helicopters says it may reopen the program to re-engine the Mil Mi-34 light helicopter, this time with a foreign-designed powerplant.
16.05.2013The company explains its financial growth by the 10.7% increase in deliveries
16.05.2013Russian Helicopters may unveil the first Mil Mi-171A2 prototype at the MAKS 2013 air show outside Moscow in August.
16.05.2013UTair became the first Russian commercial operator of AW139
16.05.2013The Mil Mi-8MSB helicopter has entered the next phase of certification trials at the Crimea-based test center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
16.05.2013Ukrainian engine maker Motor Sich is premiering a full-size mock-up of the MSB-2 light utility twin helicopter here at HeliRussia 2013.
16.05.2013Russia’s Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAZ) put a Mil Mi-171 full-flight simulator into operation early this year.
16.05.2013The Russian Helicopters holding company delivered two Mil Mi-171 utility helicopters to the Russian operator Skol Airlines in March this year.
16.05.2013The new helipad should be commissioned in June.
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