Архив материалов ATO.RU: "Максим Пядушкин" за 02/2013

The new terminal at Vnukovo will bring the airport’s annual capacity to 30 milli
06.02.2013Vnukovo, the smallest of Moscow’s three major airports, considerably expanded its passenger capacity with the opening of a new terminal in December 2012. Construction of Terminal A had begun in 2006 as part of a large-scale program to modernize Vnukovo. At a cost of 44 billion rubles (around $1.4 billion), the program was financed by the Moscow city administration, which is the airport’s largest shareholder, as well as by private investors.
06.02.2013Russia’s air transport sector continued to grow for the third consecutive year throughout 2012 following a slight decline in 2009. The upward trend has been accompanied by incipient liberalization of international routes and by the government-backed drive to consolidate the industry.
The first all-Russian VK-2500 turboshaft on the test bench at Klimov’s new facil
06.02.2013Russian aero engine designers have reached an important milestone in launching domestic production of helicopter powerplants, which have been enjoying steadily growing demand over the past several years.
The SSJ 100’s cold-weather operating envelope was expanded ahead of the first de
06.02.2013The Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional airliner further expands its operating envelope
Russian government agencies are buying increasingly more commercial aircraft fro
06.02.2013The Russian government is looking for better ways to support the country’s aircraft industry and air transport sector
Once an An-124 production plant, Aviastar-SP merely repairs the Russian Air Forc
06.02.2013Commercial operators remain the only supporters of the proposal to resume An-124 production
RVV-BD missile
06.02.2013Russian missile design house Tactical Missiles Corporation (TMC) has successfully developed several new products. CEO Boris Obnosov was quoted by the media as saying in January 2013 that TMC had completed the testing of the Kh-31PD, RVV-MD, RVV-SD, and RVV-BD missiles.
The first Su-30SM fighters were delivered to the Russian Air Force in November 2
06.02.2013Last year was very successful for one of Russia’s major defense bestsellers, the Sukhoi Su-30MKI two-seat fighter. Irkut Corp., a subsidiary of United Aircraft Corpora­tion, managed to secure new orders for these aircraft at the end of 2012, boosting the total backlog to almost 400 units.
Russian Helicopters is offering to set up a Kamov Ka-226T assembly line in India
06.02.2013Russian rotary-wing products enjoy steady demand in India
Zhuk-ME radar
06.02.2013India is perhaps the largest export customer of Russia’s leading radar design house Phazotron-NIIR. General Designer Yuri Guskov told Russia & CIS Observer about the corporation’s on-going Indian contracts and new development programs.

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