21.05.2015The Bell 505 JenRanger X light single-engine gas-turbine helicopter is making its Russian debut at HeliRussia 2015.
21.05.2015The Russian helicopter fleet continues to grow.
21.05.2015The Tatarstan-based factory Kazan Helicopters has begun assembling the first pre-production airframe.
21.05.2015The Ka-226 was re-engined as part of a bid in the Indian Air Force tender for 197 light helicopters.
21.05.2015The Russian Helicopters holding company has reported an MFRS net profit of 20.7 billion rubles for 2014 ($40 million at the current exchange rate), or 118.6% up year-on-year.
21.05.2015The HeliRussia 2015 business program will comprise over 45 events.
21.05.2015The 8th HeliRussia international exhibition which opened at Moscow’s Crocus City today is one of the largest specialized events in Europe and internationally.
26.02.2015The conference does not just bring together industry professionals, it also provides a platform for the discussion of topical issues related to aircraft maintenance, repair and airworthiness extension.
26.02.2015Engineering may expect to get at least part of the workload which would previously go to foreign providers.
26.02.2015The maintenance center Ural Aviation Services, an UTair subsidiary based at Ufa International Airport, completed its first C-check on a UTair Boeing 737 in early February.
26.02.2015In-house training of technical personnel will save the airline money that would otherwise be spent on foreign specialists.
26.02.2015Ural Airlines currently has 34 A320 family aircraft, meaning that it will benefit from optimizing its MRO costs.
26.02.2015The Belarusian flag carrier Belavia in January 2015 was cleared to provide MRO services on European carriers’ aircraft, becoming the country’s first organization to obtain an EASA Part 145 certificate
06.09.2014The Russian business aviation operator Meridian has taken delivery of its second Gulfstream G450.
06.09.2014The Russian business aviation operator Meridian has taken delivery of its second Gulfstream G450.
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