22.05.2014The manufacturer has landed more than 100 orders for the version in different configurations.
22.05.2014Over 1,300 representatives of 200 international and Russian companies will take part in HeliRussia 2014
26.02.2014One of the largest Russian aircraft MRO providers, the Engineering Holding reported a 5% growth in man-hours in 2013 compared to previous year, up to 2042 thousand man-hours.
26.02.2014In December 2013, S7 Engineering training center in Domodedovo airport launched the Airbus A320 maintenance training program for engineering and technical personnel.
26.02.2014Over the last years, Russian air carriers’ fleet has suffered a considerable structural shift — a large-scale introduction of Western types was accompanied by decommissioning of ageing Soviet-built aircraft.
26.02.2014The growth rate of the CIS market will be almost double that of the world total, and will substantially surpass that of the European market
26.02.2014Ural Aviation Services, a maintenance organization, part of UTair group, received EASA approval for nearly entire range of its operations
26.02.2014In January Gazpromavia, a subsidiary airline of Gazprom gaz monopolist, and SuperJet International (SJI), a joint marketing and post-sale effort between Sukhoi and Italian Alenia Aermachi, have announced an agreement for spare parts supply, which covers Sukhoi Superjet 100LR aircraft operated by Gazpromavia.
26.02.2014Engineering Holding, one of the biggest Russian MRO providers, plans to double the annual rate of C-Check maintenance works.
13.09.2013Jet Aviation Moscow announced yesterday at JetExpo 2013 it expands its service at Vnukovo facilities to include full interior refurbishment.
13.09.2013The new helipad, Sheremetyevo A, is inaugurated at Sheremetyevo airport next to Terminal A on September 10.
13.09.2013SBJ will be outfitted by the Russian-Italian joint venture SuperJet International in Venice. Its certification and early deliveries are planned for 2014.
13.09.2013Eurocopter Vostok’s stand exposes its lightweight single-engine AS350 B3e helicopter.
13.09.2013Vnukovo retains its leadership in the top list of the most demanded business airports in Russia and the CIS.
12.09.2013US manufacturer Beechcraft is aggressively promoting its turboprop aircraft to the Russian private and regional market.
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