07.09.2016Naval systems occupy a significant place in the Tactical Missiles Corporation production
07.09.2016More than 100 events will take place as part of the business program of Army 2016 forum
07.09.2016Ice protection system expands the airframe’s operational envelopes to more climatic conditions, including Arctic regions
07.09.2016A mock-up model of the Tigr-M armored vehicle equipped with a cannon combat station turned out to be one of the key elements of the Military Industrial Company’s exposition at the Army-2016 Forum
06.09.2016Over the past year, the forum has become a global event, and took the place on a par with the leading international exhibition of arms and military equipment", said the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at Army 2016 Forum opening ceremony.
06.09.2016The key exhibit of Technodinamika at Army 2016 is the prototype of the electric wheel drive chassis, designed for carrier-based aircraft.
06.09.2016Russian Ministry of Defense has decided to extend International Military-Technical Forum Army at the request of both participants and visitors
06.09.2016The Russian Aerospace Forces have doubled the number of displayed items demonstrated at their Army-2016 static area compared to what they had last year
06.09.2016Within the Army-2016 Forum the St Petersburg-based Kronshtadt Group is to present the integrated virtual battlespace (IVBS), one of its most advanced and high-tech developments designed for virtual combat action planning and training
06.09.2016Display Design Bureau uses Army 2016 forum to show its new automated remote-controlled fire-observant complex ADUNOK-2B for the first time in Russia
06.09.2016The Russian Armed Forces continue receiving new weapons and military equipment
06.09.2016Almaz-Antei Group revealed test results of the new generation 9M317M surface-to-air guided missile designed for the Russian Navy
06.09.2016One of the new developments demonstrated at Army 2016 is the Shershen (Hornet) unmanned aerial system (UAS) by Belarusian company Aerosystem
06.09.2016Arsenal Design Bureau has brought to Army 2016 a mock-up of the A-192 lightweight multipurpose naval gun
06.09.2016Russian Navy’s Caspian Flotilla took delivery of the Project 22870 rescue and salvage ship SB-738
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